The most of you hear, know and saw that. You know what? I was not crazy and I'm very happy that I learned the Bible of myself and to be careful of false prophets. And also because I love Yahweh God.
For me the word of God is very important to know that because some religion make more confusing and some prophets, they like contradiction and it difficult for people to know the truth.
Everywhere I go sometimes I meet prophets those they would like to share me the word of the Lord but I don't say to these prophets to back off because I respect God.
If these prophets like to share the word of the Lord because they work for free for God and Jesus Christ, why don't? They are also people, they work for free for Presidential Campaigns, yet and why not for Yahweh and Jesus Christ.
You know what? I'm happy that I learned and I studied the word of God because I'm now free in my belief in God. If I do not agree about some prophets, what they thinks. Now I can tell they, that I do not agree about they and I'm going to say they what I believe because I'm a free person. Also if I don't need to go to the church and I also tell they the truth, why I don't need to go to the church.